CAM Testbed UK

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Helix Technologies and the CAM Scale-Up programme

Testbed collaboration and new client leads for the highly accurate geo-positioning start-up, Helix Technologies.

Helix Technologies’ one-of-a-kind device, invented by co-founder, Oliver Leisten, is a Dielectric-loaded Multi-filar Antenna.

This is high-precision antenna technology, which enables resilient and accurate geo-positioning, even in multi-path or urban canyon environments. Crucially for the autonomous vehicle sector, Helix Technologies’ antenna technology enables accuracy well within the 10cm accuracy required for self-driving vehicles.

James Lewis, CEO of Helix Technologies explains when they secured their place on the CAM Scale-Up programme, it enabled them to confidently plan for much earlier testing of the Helix Technologies’ solution than previously anticipated.

James says the result of the programme has been the generation of meaningful test results, at least nine months ahead of their original schedule.

“We wouldn’t have been able to make progress at the rate that we have done without access to these facilities. This has accelerated our understanding of the environment that we operate in, and how our antennas perform in that environment.”

Helix Technologies is also keen to share the information they’ve gathered with the wider connected and autonomous mobility industry. They already have several potential customers and partners keen to understand the findings and how they can be applied to their own challenges.

Programme results

Helix Technologies’ testing programme has resulted in business success across three core areas.

Helix Technologies’ testing journey

Five million data points captured and analysed, fuelling rapid progress for team Helix Technologies.

Helix Technologies’ testing journey began with Millbrook-Culham. The team headed out onto two Millbrook tracks – the high-speed circuit and the alpine route. This provided different environments and scenarios: one constant and the other dynamic.

The second phase of testing for Helix Technologies was with Smart Mobility Living Lab: London (SMLL), where they first installed Helix Technologies antennas onto the testbed’s own vehicle, to enable their London-based testing. On driving around London, the team pinpointed specific areas, such as the Walkie Talkie building, which pose challenges for geo-positing. This allowed the team to thoroughly test their solution and harness some fascinating data.

James says Smart Mobility Living Lab: London’s help “has been wonderful. They’re participating at a high level of interest in the results, because it feeds into what they’re doing as a service provider. So, it’s an excellent relationship.”

Helix Technologies’ testing with HORIBA MIRA included a static test in an RF enclosed chamber, providing a controlled environment from which to monitor the antenna’s response. This information was then partnered with the Millbrook and London data to give the team another level of understanding of how signals are performing in the context of the antenna on the vehicle.

The immediate next steps for Helix Technologies are to begin work with the new investors and leads the CAM Scale-Up programme has helped them attract. The Helix Technologies team will also continue working with both Smart Mobility Living Lab: London and Millbrook-Culham.

James continues: “We welcome further UK government involvement in securing the world-class CAV capability in the UK. Specifically, we would be very pleased if one of the testbeds was to install a facility to test antenna-on-vehicle radiation patterns – essential as we put more antennas for sensing and communications on vehicles of the future. It’s a facility that we would make a great deal of use of as every antenna/vehicle interaction is different and must be analysed to get best performance.”

In Helix Technologies' own words

Here James Lewis summarises the progress made through the CAM Scale-Up programme and the top-level outcomes of the broad variety of tests that were undertaken.

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CAM Scale-Up programme

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